Final specifications
RV Adriaen Coenen, the replacement of RV Stern, has been designed by Marimecs in Steenwijk

February 2021
Approval of investment
The NWO-I Foundation Board has approved the NIOZ investment for the construction of the second new ship in the national research fleet. Read more...

23 March 2021
Contract signing
The contract to build the RV Adriaen Coenen was signed on 23 March 2021 in Lauwersoog. An important focus for Next Generation Shipyards is the continuous search for sustainable solutions and techniques to reduce the ecological footprint.

March 2021
#1 The construction process
The builder of the RV Adriaen Coenen is Next Generation Shipyards (NG Shipyards) in Lauwersoog. NG Shipyards is specialised in the design and construction, and also the maintenance and restoration of working vessels up to 30 metres.

April 2021
#2 Next Generation Shipyards
The construction of the RV Adriaen Coenen will take only around 14 months to complete after the contract is signed. Three factors influence this relatively short construction time: The size of the ship, the detailed blueprints and the hull contsruction.
09 June 2021
Video RV Adriaen Coenen
“Sea research began because people ere curious about a new, unfamiliar world. People like Adriaen Coenen, a 16th-century fishmonger from Scheveningen”. Watch more on the video ‘RV Adriaen Coenen, making the invisible visible”.

25 June 2021
#3 Project management
To ensure good communications and the smooth construction of the RV Adriaen Coenen and its sister ship, the RV Wim Wolff, a project management team has been created with representatives from the client and the shipyard.

08 July 2021
Keel laying at NG Shipyards
On 8 July 2021, the festive keel laying of the RV Adriaen Coenen took place at Next Generation Shipyards in Lauwersoog. Symbolically, a coin was welded on the keel beam 'for good luck' by Wim Jan Boon and Henk van der Veer.

28 July 2021
#4 Manufacturing the parts
Next Generation Shipyards has concluded the final building plan for the hull and digitally forwarded it to Snijtechniek Brabant. Each part has a unique QR code and also contains all information about its position in the structure and seams to be welded.

01 September 2021
#5 Start of welding the keel
After the official keel-laying ceremony, the shipyard immediately continued work on the rest of the hull. Snijtechniek Brabant has delivered the full cut aluminium package, so nothing stands in the way of the completion of the hull.

22 September 2021
#6 Hull construction
Even during the summer holidays a major progress was made. A small team of shipbuilders continued working through August, and by the middle of the month the hull was clearly taking shape and the engine room and foundations were complete.

21 October 2021
#7 Hull rotation
Now that the summer holidays are over, the full staff are working full speed to complete the construction of the hull of the RV Adriaen Coenen. The hull was rotated on 7 September and builders began applying the hull panels.

10 November 2021
#8 Installing the wheelhouse
All of the hull panels were welded in place in late September, and the hull was rotated back into the upright position. The wheelhouse was then installed and welders began work on the final seams.

13 December 2021
#9 Classification and branding
Before builders can begin work on the rest of the vessel, the hull must be approved by the classification society and accepted by the client. That requires detailed photos of the hull weld seams to analyse the quality of the welds.

24 January 2022
#10 The finishing team
It may seem as if little progress is being made over the next few months because most of the construction work will be completed ‘behind the scenes.’ The next step is the conservation of the hull, which should be complete within the next few months.

31 January 2022
#11 Piping and insulation
With the handover RV Adriaen Coenen’s hull to the finishing team, the finishing phase of construction has officially begun. The aluminium A-frame has been mounted aft of the work deck.

14 March 2022
#12 Seven km of cables
With just a few months to go until delivery, the finished hull of the RV Adriaen Coenen is beginning to take shape. Several pipelines were installed last month, cable ducts and cables have been fitted in position, and most of the insulation is complete.

14 April 2022
#13 Superstructure
The construction of the RV Adriaen Coenen’s hull has entered its final phase. That is clearly visible in the wheelhouse and forecastle, where the interior carpentry is starting to take shape, and in the engine room with the installation of various equipment.

17 May 2022
#14 Finishing touch
As the construction of the RV Adriaen Coenen enters its final months, it is easy to see the progress from week to week. But there is still so much to do that an outsider might have trouble imagining how the ship can be transformed into a seaworthy vessel.

15 June 2022
#15 Installation equipment
As the launch date approaches, the finishing touches are being applied to the RV Adriaen Coenen such as installing the navigation equipment and propulsion system, life rafts and a ladderway from the wheelhouse to the roof.

01 July 2022
#16 Ready to launch
Every effort is being made to install the technical installations, including the propulsion, by late June so that the RV Adriaen Coenen can be launched for its shakedown voyage. The vessel’s name has been applied to the hull and the anchor and chain have been installed.

06 July 2022
Christening of RV Adriaen Coenen
Research Vessel Adriaen Coenen was christened on Wednesday, 6 July 2022 at Next Generation Shipyards in Lauwersoog, where the vessel was built.

31 July 2022
#17 Shakedown
The christening followed a period in which all of the systems on board were inspected and tested in the presence of representatives of the client NIOZ. Several shakedown cruises were conducted before the vessel was handed over to the NIOZ.

August 2022
Delivery at NIOZ
After the final endurance test on 29 July , it was clear that nothing more stood in the way of the handover of the vessel to the NIOZ, so the official documents were signed that afternoon and the NIOZ fleet has its first new replacement vessel. On Monday, 1 August, the RV Adriaen Coenen set sail from Lauwersoog to the NIOZ harbour on Texel.

12 October 2022
RV Adriaen Coenen in operation
The new support vessel RV Adriaen Coenen has been in operation for a few months now, and Skipper Wim Jan Boon is ready to share some of his initial experiences.